Monday, September 10, 2012

Other Interesting Resources (as promised!)

Well since I'm on a roll from my previous blog post and my ideas are still fresh on my mind, I shall share about some interesting craft ideas I've come across while surfing the net for ideas for our group's micro teaching as well as DIY/ money-saving ideas for my upcoming wedding! :)
Seriously, I'm thankful that I've stumbled onto my ideal job. I get to do what I like and its called WORK. 
So here you go!
1. DIY Party Favor Bags
This website provides step-by-step details on how to create these adorable party favor bags and they are really simple! I like how versatile they can be and it all depends on the occasion, target recipients and they are inexpensive to make!
I will definitely try making these and I'll post pictures of mine when I get them done!

2. DIY Utensil Bags

Another site that I stumbled upon while looking for ideas for micro teaching. This is a great party idea especially when you are housing guests for a housewarming party, baby shower, Christmas parties or simply gatherings. Simply get napkins that are suited for the occasion and ta-daa! It's simple, inexpensive and adds that 'wow' element to a typical buffet/potluck meal when your guests arrive! It's so simple that I wonder why I never thought of this before.
I'm definitely doing this for my wedding lunch buffet. :)

3. Champagne *burp!
This is not really a link to any website but I chanced upon this on Pinterest (my favorite online scrapbooking site and my go-to website for ideas on anything I can think of). Put coloured candy floss in the champagne glass and you get a cool effect after pouring the bubbly in! Definitely make the standard champagne ceremony out-of-the-ordinary and maybe the champagne will even taste sweeter! I'm not really a fan of the bubbly. =p
We're considering doing this for our champagne-pouring ceremony during our wedding dinner but my fiance says we should try first. So keep posted for pictures of our trials!

4. 65 Printables for Weddings

Yes like the website says when you enter, get your printer well-stocked with ink! I love how the paper projects in this website comes in various themes and unlike how the name suggests, I don't think the projects are limited to weddings only! They serve as good decorations for holiday parties and other events as well. I've pinned this to my to-do board on Pinterest and I'll definitely try some of the printables when I host my first house party!

5. My Pinterest Boards!
My last recommendation will be my favorite site - my Pinterest board.
Like I mentioned before, this is where I go to for anything under the sun- hair styles (men and women), food ideas, quotes, running inspirations, funny pictures to destress, house decoration and furnishing ideas, art and craft ideas, wedding inspirations etc. This is the website that I update frequently and most of my resources come from there.
I definitely recommend this for everyone though I have heard that it is more of a "girly" website but I beg to differ. Try it out for yourself! :)

That's all for now!

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