Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A fun project for Secondary Ones!

Who says lessons have to just the teacher talking and the students listening?

Recently, our group was tasked to create a five-week Scheme of Work (SOW) for a Lower Secondary class and we decided on creating one for Secondary One Express. This immediately reminded me of my Secondary One classes this year and of the first project I did with them - 3D Healthy Diet Pyramid (HDP)! It was a lot of hands-on and art and craft work but I believe that through the group work, they managed to learn about the HDP all by themsleves!
Disclaimer: This is not an excuse for me to slack in class. Of course there was some introduction to the HDP and explanations on how the different levels work, etc. And during my December holidays, I made a sample too (see below).

So its acutally quite simple, just follow these simple steps:
  1. Print the template below (A3 size is better than A4, otherwise your pyramid will be very small).
  2. Cut out the template.
  3. Decorate the different levels with the relevant information and food groups.
  4. Fold along the lines.
  5. Apply some glue to the tabs and stick them together.
Viola you are done! Simple right? :)

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